Explore Careers

The FOCUS 2 is an intuitive tool to help students select a major and explore occupations. Students are able to complete five assessments including the Interests-Holland Code, Personality, Values, Skills, and Leisure Interests assessments. Assessment results are matched to University of Arkansas majors and career options with over 1200 occupations and up-to-date career information.

You will be required to enter an access code to create an account. The access code to use is "razorback".

First Time Users Returning Users

The MyMajors! Assessment will give you a list of 10 UA majors that are most consistent with your interests, preferences, and achievements along with a general description of this major. After taking the assessment, use the What Can I Do with a Major In tab to gather more information about the major and related career options.


What's in the cards for your career? The Challenge mindset is an approach to career exploration focused on finding challenges to tackle instead of ever-changing job titles. This interactive card sorting experience is designed to help you find a career path based on exciting, real-world challenges that go beyond majors and job titles. After completing the activity, you will receive a customized Challenge Profile with a career exploration action plan.

Step 1: Create an account using your UARK email address and the UA code UARK607.

Step 2: Begin your card sort to identify the top 3 challenges you'd like to help the world tackle.

Want to learn more? Watch this 3-minute tutorial on how to sign up and complete the interactive challenge cards activity.

The access code is UARK607

First Time Users Returning Users

TypeFocus™ Careers assesses your personality type and incorporates it into seven personalized reports to answer, “What career choices fit with my personality?” and “How can I improve my chances for getting a job?” The assessment is free.

When logging in or creating a new profile, you will be requested to use a site password; the University of Arkansas’s site password is uark89.


Increase your career confidence by learning what the top 8 career-ready skills are, how well you've developed them to-date and ways you can further develop these employer-valued skills at the U of A by completing the NACE Career Readiness+ Inventory. (~10 minutes to complete)

Doctoral Students: Use the Graduate Student Career Readiness Assessment for a more targeted assessment of your career readiness.

Below you will find several links for helping you explore typical paths associated with various degrees. It's not a comprehensive list, so you may want to explore information and websites from multiple degrees to help you learn about a wide range of career opportunities.

For each degree that interests you, click on the title to find an overview of the degree (major) and information about related careers and skills. You will also find links to job and internship search postings, career planning info, professional associations in that degree, and links to UofA departments with majors in that area.

Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences

Fay Jones School of Architecture + Design

Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences

Sam M. Walton College of Business

College of Education and Health Professions

College of Engineering

Interdisciplinary Studies

University of Arkansas - Employers in the US by Major

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These sites provide a description of a wide variety of occupations and detailed information on skills need, duties, work environment, salary, etc.

What is a Career Conversation?

Career Conversations, also known as Informational interviews, allow you an opportunity to talk with professionals in your field of interest about the industry, company culture, and career paths. You can gain knowledge of what the day-to-day tasks and roles are as well as information about larger organizational issues and long-term options.  Applicants are 12 times more likely to secure an offer of employment/internship when backed by an internal advocate. -Brown, Setren, & Topa, 2014. Make the time to make the connections that could change your post-graduation outcomes!

Want to set up a career conversation? You have two options!

How to Conduct Career Conversations

  • Use (or establish) your network. Identify a person currently working or who previously worked in the industry you are considering. Talk with friends, relatives, faculty, staff, alumni, and current or former coworkers for possible connections. You also might use social media (such as LinkedIn or Facebook) or a company’s website to identify potential interviewees.
  • Contact the professional by telephone, email, or via social media; introduce yourself (practice ahead of time); and ask to set up a 30-minute interview.
  • Prior to your meeting, identify 10-15 questions about the industry you would like to ask the professional.
  • Want to learn more and practice career conversations? Join a Career Launch cohort by contacting Madison Stueve, Associate Director of Career Access Initiative, mstueve@uark.edu.

Questions to Get You Started

  1. How did you get started in this industry?
  2. What do you like most and least about this industry/company/job?
  3. What growth opportunities do you see in the field?
  4. What are the ideal education, background, and skills for success in this industry?
  5. What impresses you when interviewing candidates for entry-level positions?
  6. What advice can you give me as I pursue jobs in this field?

After the Interview

  1. Send a thank you note to the professional.
  2. Evaluate what you learned and assess any gaps between your background and the job/career requirements.
  3. Look for ways you can make up those gaps - classes, trainings, workshops, etc.
  4. Identify other professionals in the field you also could interview.
    • Participate in Career Launch Academy, where as a group we work together to assist you step by step to set up career conversations. (link to Hogsync survey). If you have questions about the Career Launch Academy please contact Madison Stueve, Associate Director of Career Access Initiative, mstueve@uark.edu.

What is job shadowing? How does it differ from an internship?

Job shadowing involves observing a professional through a normal day’s activities and may include informational interviews, tours, and participation in office projects. It can be an excellent way to learn about day-to-day work life and offers the chance to “test” a career without a long-term commitment. Shadowing also may help you get your foot in the door for a competitive internship or job.

Job shadowing is short-term (one to two days), offers no pay or academic credit, and is hosted by volunteers to help students gain an insider’s view of a career field. Internships are longer (a semester or summer), may involve pay and/or academic credit, and support an organization’s work function.

How do I get started?

Use your network to identify potential contacts working in fields of interest. If this doesn’t work, utilize social media, the company/organization website, professional associations, and career fairs. Call the individual and indicate you are seeking more information about the field and would like to spend a half or full day shadowing them. If the individual agrees, schedule a time and date for the shadowing experience to take place. After the information interview, don't forget to follow up within 48 hours with a handwritten thank you note.

  • LinkedIn Learning Videos - Free, unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning, an online library of high-quality instructional videos on career tips and advice.
  • What It's Like To Be Podcast - Curious what it would be like to walk in someone else’s (work) shoes? Join New York Times bestselling author Dan Heath as he explores the world of work, one profession at a time, and interviews people who love what they do.

You can leverage ChatGPT to gain valuable career insights, enhance your career readiness skills, and make informed decisions as you explore career options and prepare career application materials. You can use ChatGPT to help with:

Resume and Cover Letter Assistance: Draft competitive resumes and cover letters by providing suggestions on content, formatting, and use of keys words that align with job descriptions so your resume stands out from a crowd.

Interview Preparation: Simulate interview scenarios, practice your responses to common questions and receive feedback to improve your answers.

Career Exploration: Learn about different career options, industries, roles, work environments and career paths. Ask questions about specific fields you are interested in and gain insight into the skills and qualifications needed.

Networking Assistance: Develop networking strategies and provide tips on how to connect with professionals in your desired career fields. ChatGPT can suggest conversation starters and advice for building meaningful connections.

Company Research: Gather information about specific companies or organizations that interest you and learn about their workplace culture, values, recent news events, and potential job opportunities.

Job Search Strategies: Create personalized job search strategies based on your preferences, skills, and location. ChatGPT can suggest online job boards, professional networking platforms, and other resources.

Skill Development: Identify skills and qualifications needed for your desired career path. ChatGPT can recommend online courses, certifications, and resources to help you develop these skills.

Salary Negotiation Skills: Provide insights and advice on how to negotiate effectively, including tips to research salary ranges, articulate your value, and incorporate non-monetary benefits into negotiations.

Personal Branding: Build a strong, memorable, consistent personal brand, online and offline. ChatGPT can offer suggestions on creating a LinkedIn profile, curating a professional online presence, and sharing content relevant to your field.

Industry Trends and Insights: Stay updated on the latest trends, technologies, and developments in your desired field. This knowledge can be valuable for interviews and networking conversations.

Advice on Career Challenges: Learn professional development skills, such as dealing with workplace conflicts, time management, work-life balance, and professional growth.

Remember that while ChatGPT can provide valuable insights and guidance, it is important to complement its suggestions with your own research and critical thinking. Additionally, always prioritize information from trusted sources and professionals in your field of interest.

Using prompts is the primary way to interact with ChatGPT. A prompt is a piece of text that you provide ChatGPT to request specific information or start a conversation. Use AI Prompt Tips. Use the following example prompts in the “Send a message” field to gain career insights:

Example Career Exploration Prompts

  • What skills do I gain from [INSERT ACTIVITY HERE] that could be useful in the workplace?
  • Write a list with descriptions of 10 careers that are similar to [INSERT CAREER HERE]
  • Write a list of careers that are appropriate for someone with a [INSERT DEGREE/MAJOR]
  • What careers match my skills and interests in [SKILLS|INTERESTS]
  • What is the job outlook for a career in [CAREER]
  • What is the average salary for a [POSITION]
  • What are the key responsibilities of a [POSITION]
  • I am seeking information about the (medical, aviation, electronics) field and
  • I would like your advice. What do you see as a growth area for this industry?
  • What problems/issues do you see that will affect this area in the future?
  • What job titles do you see as hard to fill in the future and why?
  • I am very interested in the occupation of ___________ and I would like to ask your expert advice on this area.
  • What qualifications do people who work in this field have?
  • What do you see in the future for this occupation?
  • I'm looking for similar roles to the one I currently have but in new industries. If I paste in my resume, could you provide career recommendations for me?

AI-generated content is intended to be informative and helpful; however, it should not be considered as professional advice or a substitute for consulting with qualified experts in career services. We encourage users to independently verify and cross-reference the information provided by the AI model with other reliable sources before making any decisions or taking any actions based on the content. The AI-generated content should be used as a draft for written documents and a starting point for career research and exploration, but it is essential to exercise critical thinking and judgment when editing, interpreting and applying the information for your own career or job search needs.

Receive in-person assistance in our walk-up Career Studio after taking the first steps with AI.


Job simulations build real-life skills for real-life roles, offering a window into the company and a preview of their day-to-day. Job simulations are self-paced and free. Sign up with Forage using your UARK email address.

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