According to the University of Arkansas Department of Curriculum and Instruction, "the Department of Curriculum and Instruction offers a Bachelor of Science in Education degree in Career and Technical Education with several concentrations:

Business Education

The business education program leads to licensure in the secondary and post-secondary business education settings and is designed to provide the student a knowledge base that will prepare him/her to possess a broad background in business subjects and pedagogy. After successfully completing the program, the candidate will be eligible to apply for teacher licensure in the state of Arkansas. The business educator will be qualified to teach in the areas of accounting, business management, communication, computer applications, entrepreneurship, information systems, business law, international business, and keyboarding.

Family and Consumer Sciences Education

Students who choose to study Family and Consumer Sciences Education (FCSE) are committed to improving the well-being of individuals and families. They want to help individuals develop the ability to successfully balance the challenges of day-to-day living, marriage, children and careers. Students in FCSE use critical and creative thinking skills to strengthen their problem solving skills through a variety of courses including parenting and human development; family studies; nutrition and foods; textiles and apparel production; and housing and design. Most graduates enter careers as teachers in secondary or junior high schools. Others work for public or private human service agencies, in product marketing or teach in higher education.

Technology Education

A Bachelor of Science in Education degree with a concentration in technology education is a licensure program that prepares one to teach technology, pre-engineering, or other technical programs at the high school, middle school, or community college levels. Additionally, the program prepares one to enter mid-level technical and management careers in business and industry. The concentration is a specialized field of study within the career and technical education program at the University of Arkansas.

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Career and Technical Education Teachers may teach in middle, high school, and postsecondary schools in the following areas:

List of Related Careers List of Related Careers
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Architecture & Construction
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Business Management & Administration
Education & Training Finance
Government & Public Administration Health Science
Hospitality & Tourism Human Services
Information Technology Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
Manufacturing Marketing
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
List of Related Skills List of Related Skills
Active Listening Skills Creativity
Instructing Skills Organizational Skills
Patience Planning Skills
Reading Comprehension Resourcefulness
Verbal Communication Skills Written Communication Skills
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