The University of Arkansas offers a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish as well as a Spanish Master of Arts. According to the University of Arkansas Foreign Language Department, "Spanish is a language spoken by 406 million speakers in 31 countries, and it is the fourth most commonly spoken native language in the world. Spanish is also, of course, a rapidly growing second language in the U.S., and in many new destination areas such as Arkansas and the so-called "new south": Latinos are now the largest minority group in the United States, at some 17% of the population, and in some cities in our corner of Northwest Arkansas, such as Rogers and Springdale, Latinos now constitute more than 30% of the population. U of A students increasingly recognize that cultural competency and linguistic fluency in Spanish will significantly enhance their communication skills, their professional preparation and competitiveness, no matter what their future field of endeavor. As a result, 3000- and 4000-level Spanish enrollments continue to grow dramatically."

Studying a foreign language can improve your cognitive and critical thinking abilities. Recent surveys indicate that more than 80 agencies of the federal government rely on professionals with intermediate to high-level competence in foreign languages. Foreign language study provides the ability to gain an understanding of the cultures of US trading partners. American multinational corporations and nongovernmental organizations need people with foreign language abilities. U.S. ability to compete effectively in global markets means that more and more businesses deal with companies in other countries. They need employees who can communicate in foreign languages and understand other cultures. An employer will see you as a bridge to new clients if you know their language.

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List of Related Careers List of Related Careers List of Related Careers
Accountant Advertising Manager Advertising Copywriter
Air Traffic Assistant Archivist Art Dealer
Banking Correspondent Court Interpreter Bookkeeper
Auditor Customs /Immigration Officer Bilingual Officers/Clerks/Tellers
Bilingual Educator Escort/Interpreter/Guide Drug Enforcement Agent
Commercial Loan Officer Finance Director FBI Agent
Copywriter Foreign Correspondent Financial Planning Associate
Editor Foreign Service Peacekeeper Foreign Exchange Trader
Filmmaker Fundraiser Foreign Service Specialist
Foreign Diplomat Intelligence Researcher Human Resources Director
Foreign Service Officer International Banking Officer Intelligence Specialist
Foreign Social Worker International Hotel Admin. International Conference Planner
Customs Broker Interpreter International Trade Economist
International Account Manager Laboratory Technician Investment Analyst
International Trade Specialist Linguist Lawyer
Journalist Multi-Lingual Port Receptionist Media Specialist
Library Technician National Security Agent Museum Curator
Missionary Overseas Plant Manager Negotiator
Musician Performer Paralegal
Overseas Personnel Manager Police Detectives Pharmaceutical Representative
Peace Corps Volunteer Professor Politician
Production Supervisor Publisher Proofreader
Public Health Administrator Reporter Quality Control Supervisor
Radio/TV Announcer Scientific Translator/Interpreter Salesperson
Scientific Linguist Teacher Senior Credit Analyst
Sports Agent Exhibit Designer Telecommunications Sales
TESO/ESL Teacher Transport Equipment Manager Travel Agent Tour Organizer
Translator Writer Travel Writer
List of Related Skills List of Related Skills
Acknowledging value systems Adapting to other cultures
Assessing needs Clarifying ideas
Collaborating as part of a team Communicating between cultures
Comparing translations interpretations Compiling/recording data
Designing instruments Determining the needs of others
Establishing hypotheses Evaluating evidence
Evaluating information Evaluating results
Explaining complex concepts Gathering information
Interviewing non-judgmentally Listening carefully
Organizing materials/information Reading critically
Reading/writing another language Reading for content and structure
Reporting and editing Speaking to groups
Summarizing ideas Understanding Diverse Cultures
Understanding historical language change Weighing values
Working with original sources in many fields Working with research subjects
Writing clearly
story 1 story 2 story 3

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