According to the University of Arkansas's Physical Education program, physical education is an online program that can be completed in a two-year period by taking six credit hours of classes per semester. The program allows practicing physical education professionals an opportunity to receive advanced training in their field along with a Master's degree. The program is delivered entirely on the internet which allows students the flexibility to pursue the degree at a time and place that fits their schedule.
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Athletically inclined | Attention to detail |
Compassion | Critical thinking |
Decision-making | Demonstration skills |
Detail oriented | Discussion skills |
Empathy | Good judgment |
Health/Physically fit | Interest in teaching |
Interpersonal skills | Knowledge of proper nutrition |
Leadership | Listening |
Management | Motivational skills |
Motor skills | Multi- tasking |
Oral & visual communication skills | Organization |
Patience | Planning skills |
Problem solving | Teaching/Coaching |
Time management | Verbal communication |
Written skills |