Collaborate with the OCC

The Offices of Career Connections know that career readiness conversations and student career development happen everywhere on and off campus, with everyone a student may encounter, in every possible way. Career Everywhere is a term used to help articulate this effort.

Career Everywhere intentionally embeds career education and readiness into the student experience by providing access and equity to career development for all students through a network of faculty, staff, alums, and employer career advocates.

The establishment of a Career Everywhere culture is not just a part of the University's 150 Forward Strategic Plan, it is a strategic pillar. This culture is about the entire campus community coming together to introduce and engage students in career-ready skill-building throughout their U of A career.

Our goal: That ALL students have access to the resources needed to build meaningful, lifelong careers.

Not-So-New Faculty Lunch – Career Everywhere Discussion

Wednesday, April 18 or Thursday, April 19
CORD 349

Demonstrate your commitment to the U of A's Student Success Strategic Priority by attending this event. Learn how you can help undergraduate and graduate students gain access to resources and networks needed to build meaningful careers. Add value to your academic area & your annual performance evaluation by intentionally embedding career education and career readiness into the full student

  • Discuss with colleagues your students' career questions and needs
  • Faculty Panel: Learn from colleagues' successful ways to incorporate career education into your class
  • Learn which career resources and services are available through Career Connections

Lunch & Learn: College of Engineering Staff Career Advocates

Friday, March 29
Upchurch Conference Room

Additional Events

Check out upcoming career fairs and events here:

To view upcoming employer information sessions, log in to Handshake and click on Events.

Career Advocates make up a network of individuals who are assisting students with their career development in a variety of ways! By coming together to share resources and support each other, career advocates are championing student success. Join our network of Career Advocates to ensure you stay up to date on events, resources, and much more!

Visit our Become a Career Advocate page to learn more or connect with your college's Career Connections team

  • Emphasize career readiness skills in assignments or on-campus position learning objectives
  • Embed career content in your courses and departmental curriculum
  • Sign up for a class presentation
  • Share career networking event & fair dates with your students;
  • Refer students to Handshake to find jobs and internships
  • Read and share your college Career Insider newsletters
  • Encourage students to take the career readiness assessment and identify 1 action step they can take to improve their career readiness
  • Mentor students using the Career Exploration Roadmap

Offices of Career Connections

Arkansas Union Nola Holt Royster Suite 607

CORD 1st and 3rd Floors

BELL 2258



Monday - Friday

8am - 5pm

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Thanks to Our Employer Partners!

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