According to the Ralph E. Martin Department of Chemical Engineering at University of Arkansas, "Chemical engineers have been improving people's lives for more than a century. From innovations in medical diagnostic tool development, recycling, disease treatment, biofuel production, and the development of smaller, faster computer chips, the processes and products chemical engineers have helped create touch every aspect of our lives. Chemical engineering uniquely intertwines the creation, design, operation, and optimization of processes that derive practical benefits from chemical or physical changes. In short, chemical engineers apply the principles of chemistry and engineering to solve practical problems. "

List of Related Careers List of Related Careers List of Related Careers
Analytical Skills Drive to Solve Complex Problems Strong Chemistry Background
Background in Engineering Principles Independent Task Oriented
Communication Skills (Oral & Written) Organization Skills Team Player


Food Management Search

Graduating Engineer & Computer Careers

Jobs for Chemical Engineers

Society of Women Engineers - Provides no-cost membership and job listings, with job information from corporate recruiters forwarded by e-mail. - Check out the Students and Recent Grads section.

"Not only did the career fair give me the opportunity to expand my network, it also allowed me to set up interviews and learn more information about companies for possible internship opportunities for the upcoming summer."

- Samantha W., Biological Engineering, Junior

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