According to the University of Arkansas, "The Department of Biological Sciences offers two degree programs, one leading to a Bachelor of Science and the other leading to a Bachelor of Arts. A Bachelor of Science degree is for those students who seek a degree with a broad background in the life sciences. The B.S. is recommended for students planning to continue their education in basic or applied biology in graduate or professional school. A Bachelor of Arts degree is available for students who do not necessarily plan on a career as a professional biologist but who desire a good foundation in the discipline. Students seeking research experience are invited to participate in the college honors program."
Use ChatGPT to research job title descriptions, salary and location information.
Analytical & Quantitative Abilities | Operate Scientific Equipment |
Biology Theory & Practical Knowledge | Oral & Written Communication |
Curiosity & Creativity | Organization |
Independent | Problem Solving |
Information Handling | Statistical Awareness |
Innovative | Teamwork |
Numerical Computation | Technical Skills |
American Zoo and Aquarium Association - lists jobs in zoos, with opportunity to search for zoos nationwide.
Dolphin Research Center - work and swim with dolphins, a unique and exciting way to use your major.
Naturejobs - lists professional positions related to life sciences and different scientific disciplines.
Science Careers - a great resource for science information and job seeking. - check out the Students and Recent Grads section.
Explore Careers in Life Sciences
Animal Behavior Society and Education
Careers in Biological Sciences
Careers in Science and Engineering - a planning guide for grad school and beyond.
Careers in Veterinary Medicine-American Veterinary Medicine Association - a great resource for learning more about veterinary school and working as a vet. - great career resource guide for getting into and succeeding in grad school, postdoctoral life and finding a job.
American Academy of Forensic Sciences - resources and information for forensic sciences.
American Association of Zoo Keepers
American Institute of Biological Sciences
American Society for Cell Biology