According to the University of Arkansas, "The Department of Biological Sciences offers two degree programs, one leading to a Bachelor of Science and the other leading to a Bachelor of Arts. A Bachelor of Science degree is for those students who seek a degree with a broad background in the life sciences. The B.S. is recommended for students planning to continue their education in basic or applied biology in graduate or professional school. A Bachelor of Arts degree is available for students who do not necessarily plan on a career as a professional biologist but who desire a good foundation in the discipline. Students seeking research experience are invited to participate in the college honors program."

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List of Related Careers List of Related Careers List of Related Careers
Analyst Academic Advisor/Counselor Health Science Administrator
Caseworker Advocate Human Resources Manager
Community Development Planner Anthropologist Industrial Psychologist
Community Service Administrator Archaeologist International Agency Representative
Curatorial Assistant Archivist Librarian
Agronomist Art Conservator Linguist
Animal Scientist Forester Net Designer
Aqua Culturist Genetic Engineering Researcher Neurobiologist
Aquaculture Farmer Geographer Oceanographer
Aquarium Technician Geophysicist/Physicist Paramedic
Aquatic Biologist Health Officer Parasitologist
Barrier Beach Manager Horticulturist Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
Biochemist Hospital Administrator Pharmacy Therapist
Bio-Engineer Hydrographic Surveyor Physician
Biometrician Industrial Hygienist Public Health Worker
Bio-Technologist Industrial Marine Economist Science Illustrator
Boat Builder & Repair Limnological Technician Science Lab Technician
Botanist Marine Bacteriologist Science Teacher
Chemical Oceanographer Marine Biologist Science Writer
Chiropractor Marine Ecologist Seafood Processor
Coastal Resources Manager Marine Engineering Technician Seafood Researcher
Commercial Fishery Engineer Marine Fisheries Worker Soil Conservationist
Commercial Inland Water Marine Geologist State Parks & Recreation Worker
Coroner Marine Salesman Systems Analyst
Dentist Marine Tourist Worker Technical Writer
Dietitian & Nutritionist Market Research Analyst Test Inspection Technician
Ecologist Medical Illustrator Toxicologist
Environmental Protection Technician Medical Laboratory Technician Transportation Worker
Environmental Engineer Meterologist Underwater Technician
Environmental Health Specialist Microbiologist Veterinarian
Ergonomist Molecular Biologist Water Quality Technician
Fish Hatchery Technician Mortician Wildlife Biologist
Fisheries Conservation Museum/Aquarium Administrator Wildlife Resources Manager
Florist Mycologist Zoo Keeper
Food Scientist Naval Architect Zoologist
List of Related Skills List of Related Skills
Analytical & Quantitative Abilities Operate Scientific Equipment
Biology Theory & Practical Knowledge Oral & Written Communication
Curiosity & Creativity Organization
Independent Problem Solving
Information Handling Statistical Awareness
Innovative Teamwork
Numerical Computation Technical Skills

Health-Related Internships

American Zoo and Aquarium Association - lists jobs in zoos, with opportunity to search for zoos nationwide.

BioSpace Jobs

Biology Jobs

Biogen Idec

Careers with the USDA

Dolphin Research Center - work and swim with dolphins, a unique and exciting way to use your major.

HHS Careers

Job Science

Naturejobs - lists professional positions related to life sciences and different scientific disciplines.

New Scientist Jobs

Science Careers - a great resource for science information and job seeking.

The Scientist: Careers

Tiny Tech Jobs - check out the Students and Recent Grads section.

Explore Careers in Life Sciences

Animal Behavior Society and Education

Careers in Biological Sciences

Careers in Science and Engineering - a planning guide for grad school and beyond.

Careers in Veterinary Medicine-American Veterinary Medicine Association - a great resource for learning more about veterinary school and working as a vet. - great career resource guide for getting into and succeeding in grad school, postdoctoral life and finding a job.

Game Warden Resource Site

Use the Scientific Method for your Career Exploration

STEM Education

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