According to the University of Arkansas' Department of Economics, "Both a social science and a business field, it can be argued that economics has evolved from a 'discipline' to an 'approach' used to study behavior with regards to the use of scarce resources."
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Reading Comprehension | Active Listening |
Mathematics & Science | Critical Thinking |
Different Learning Strategies | Ability to Give Advice on Business |
Research Skills | Investigative Skills |
Oral & Written Communication | Computer Literacy |
Active Learning | Ability to Prepare & Write Reports |
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AEA Job Openings for Economists - check out the Students and Recent Grads section.
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
The American Economic Association
American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association
Association for Evolutionary Economics
National Association for Business Economics The National Association for Business Economics requests proposals from qualified, interested parties (course developers) who can design, develop, and deliver comprehensive training programs for business economists.