According to the University of Arkansas Department of Curriculum and Instruction, "The Special Education Program prepares teachers for teaching students in grades K-12 with a wide variety of disabilities. It also prepares for teaching gifted and talented students.
Also available is coursework for the Graduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Applied Behavior Analysis. Students in the Graduate Certificate programs have supervised clinic opportunities available.
The Special Education Program, part of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, prepares teachers to teach in resource rooms, special education classrooms and inclusive class settings."
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Oral Communication Skills | Ability to organize and coordinate |
Creativity | Ability to motivate others |
Listening skills | Special Education Skills |
Persuasive skills | Written Communication Skills |
Interpersonal Skills | Mathematical Abilities |
Curriculum Development | Language Skills |
Counseling Skills | Group Dynamics |
American Association for Employment in Education
American Federation of Teachers
Council for Exceptional Children
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
National Education Association