According to the University of Arkansas, "As a subject for academic study, communication bridges the humanities and the social sciences. It focuses on relationships - personal, group, and societal - and the factors and processes that affect important relationships. Friendships and families, business relationships and political systems, cultural interaction and technological advances are important areas of study in communication. Communication students may concern themselves with the dynamics of interpersonal persuasion, the effects of media technologies, the nature of gender stereotypes, the function of roles within the family, the structure of organizational authority, the influence of cultural myths, the impact of social movements, and the history of rhetoric. Because the program offers many diverse interests, there is a place for anyone with a genuine curiosity about human communication and its effect upon society."
Use ChatGPT to research job title descriptions, salary and location information.
Ability to Write Clearly | Identify & Manage Different Needs of Individuals/Groups |
Attention to Details | Influential/Persuasion Skills |
Compare & Contrast Evidence | Interpretation Skills |
Create Entertaining & Persuasive Messages | Measure Media Effects |
Create Powerful Images with Sound, Sight, Motion & Words | Planning & Management Skills |
Critical Thinking Skills | Present Specific Viewpoints |
Define Hypotheses | Reporting & Editing Skills |
Demonstrate Creativity & Artistic Expression | Synthesizing Information |
Develop Market Research | Understand Institutional & Cultural Views |
Effective Speaking | Work in Teams/Small Groups |
Evaluate Ideas & Presentation | Work Independently |
Evaluate Information & Sources | Work with Deadlines |
Gather Information & Data | Write Press Releases, Scripts, or Promotional Material |
Advertising and Medical Jobs - lists professional positions in creative communications.
Crewz - allows registered members to check out daily job posts and search for crewz, but they can search all locations and equipment as well.
O'Dwyer's PR Daily - lists positions in the field of public relations, with links to 500 PR firms.
Showbizjobs - lists positions in the film, television, recording, multimedia, an attraction job markets.
Talent Zoo -provides career resources and lists jobs for advertising professionals with links to industry employers.
TVSPY -lists information and resources for the television industry, with an opportunity to post your resume. - check out the Students and Recent Grads section.
Career Resources for Creatives - an informational resource for those interested in pursing education and careers options in journalism and communications. Our goal is to gather information and data from trusted and authoritative sources and compile them in an interesting and user friendly format.
The Association for Women in Communications
Association of American Publishers
The Association of Magazine Media This provides information on research forums for advertising and marketing
Association of National Advertisers This website provides the guiding principles to become a master in marketing and advertising
Council of Public Relations Firms Career Advice This provides information about this council and how they benefit their members by finding them firms they are qualified to work for
International Association of Business Communicators
International Communication Association
National Association of Broadcasters Provides information on professional development in the field of Broadcasting and on memberships and other events as well
Public Relations Society of America