According to the Department of History at University of Arkansas, "History is the study of the past - both the official records of crowned rulers and sovereign states, as well as the vernacular accounts of those who have often been rendered, by presumption and sometimes violence, voiceless. It is the study, across time and place, of narratives and counter-narratives captured and preserved in a variety of "textual" sources - written, oral, and visual media; spontaneous actions, structured performances, and ritual enactments; sites and spaces, profane and sacred objects. It is the study of mass movements and isolated action, commodities and fads, production and reception, enslavement and liberation, sexuality and gender, art and obscenity, faith and heresy, empire and revolution, genocide and humanism, discovery and delusion, conformity and transgression, reading, writing, and telling. If the past is a "foreign country," it is also a window onto the present, and sometimes a cautionary tale for the future."
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Some of these careers require education beyond a bachelor's degree.
Administration & Legislation | Federal Bureau of Investigation | Police & Fire Protection |
Advertising | Health & Human Services | Political Parties |
Broadcasting | Housing & Community Development | Public Interest Groups |
Bureau of the Census | Legislators | Research Foundations |
Business & Industry | Library | Schools & Universities |
Campaigns | Media | Social & Welfare Services |
Central Intelligence Agency | Museums & Archives | State & Local Governments |
Corrections & Court Systems | Paralegal Profession | Transportation |
Department of the State | Parks & Recreation | Travel & Tour Services |
Education | Peace Corps/Vista |
Analyzing Ideas & Information | Examining Evidence | Interpreting Information & Seeing Relationships |
Decision Making | Explaining Ideas | Perspective |
Developing a World View | Explaining the Past with the Present | Writing & Presenting |
American Museum of Natural History - this site is a great resource for finding jobs, internships and fellowships with the AMNH, along with lots of fun facts.
American Historical Association Careers
Careers at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art Careers
History Professor/Instructor Jobs
Texas Historical Commission Jobs and Internships - check out the Students and Recent Grads section.
American Historical Association - is a professional association for historians. They have a variety of information on what to do with your major in history, job listings and job perspectives.
American Association for State & Local History
Association for Living History, Farm, an Agricultural Museums
National Council for History Education - provides professional development for teachers and historians, along with a federal level advocacy program. They even have conferences across the nation and councils.
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Organization of American Historians
Society for American Archaeology