Pre-STEM Mixer, Tuesday, September 26th, 2023, 5PM-8PM, ARKU Ballroom

Tuesday, September 26th
5pm to 8pm
Arkansas Union Verizon Ballroom
Register on Handshake (Registration and business casual attire is required to attend.)

Enjoy some food and network with 40-50 employers the evening before the STEM Career Fair at the Pre-STEM Mixer! This event is a mini version of the STEM Career Fair, but with free food! Don't forget to bring copies of your resume! Benefits of attending include:

  • More conversation time with employers
  • Get comfortable introducing yourself and asking/answering questions to relieve any nerves before the fair
  • Evening event - less likely to interfere with classes
  • Welcoming environment - smaller venue with less employers than the fair
  • Did we mention free food?

Offices of Career Connections

Arkansas Union Nola Holt Royster Suite 607

CORD 1st and 3rd Floors

BELL 2258



Monday - Friday

8am - 5pm

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Thanks to Our Employer Partners!

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