Handshake is the UA student jobs board.
Handshake is UA’s online career platform, connecting students to employers, job opportunities, career events, and career resources. UA on-campus jobs will be continuously posted on Handshake throughout the year.
All current UA students and recent graduates have a profile on Handshake connected to the University of Arkansas and are automatically approved to use Handshake. Incoming students typically gain access before their first day of classes. You can customize your profile by adding your resume, profile picture, career interests, work experiences, etc.
To Access Handshake:
- Click on ‘Handshake Login’ button.
- Click on UA login and enter your UARK email and password.
UA on-campus jobs are temporary part-time positions for enrolled students. While most of these jobs are on UA campus, some employers are in the greater Fayetteville area. Some types of on-campus jobs are academic tutors, help desk assistants, peer mentors, and graduate assistantships. On-campus jobs will be posted on Handshake throughout the year.
To Find On-Campus Jobs:
- Click on "Handshake Login" button.
- Click on UA login and enter your UARK email and password.
- Click on "Jobs" on the left-hand side of the page.
- Click on "All-filters" on the top right side of the page and select "On-Campus".
- Click on "Show Results" to view all UA on-campus jobs.
![Handshake Jobs image](images/HSjob.png)
![Handshake Filter image](images/HSfilter.png)
![Handshake On-campus Job Filter image](images/HSfiltercampus.png)
UA work study jobs are temporary part-time positions for students eligible for Federal Work Study. While most of these jobs are on UA campus, some employers are in the greater Fayetteville area. Some types of work study jobs are academic tutors, help desk assistants, and peer mentors. Work study jobs will be posted on Handshake throughout the year.
To Find Work Study Jobs:
- Click on "Handshake Login" button.
- Click on UA login and enter your UARK email and password.
- Click on "Jobs" on the left-hand side of the page.
- Click on "All-filters" on the top right side of the page and select "Work study".
- Click on "Show Results" to view all UA work study jobs.
![Handshake Jobs image](images/HSjob.png)
![Handshake Filter image](images/HSfilter.png)
![Handshake Filter for Work Study image](images/HSfilterws.png)