If you are looking for a part-time job, make sure to visit career fairs to speak with
potential employers.
Feedback Essentials: Career-Ready Workshop (Communication)
Friday, February 7th
CORD 127
This workshop will help you explore and develop strategies for confidently giving
and receiving feedback. These skills will strengthen relationships, enhance communication,
and support your career readiness!
Link for registration: Feedback Essentials: Career-Ready Workshop (Communication)
UREC LEAD: Your First Full-Time Job (Career & Self Development)
Wednesday, February 12th
HPER 311
So you got the job offer, now what? Join us to learn tips and tricks for navigating
important questions, negotiation, and preparing for your first day on the job!
Link for registration: UREC LEAD: Your First Full-Time Job (Career & Self Development)
UREC LEAD: Transferable Skills Speed Dating (Career & Self Development)
Monday, February 24th
HPER 311
Join us for a fast-paced, casual setting to practice articulating your transferable
Link for registration: UREC LEAD: Transferable Skills Speed Dating (Career & Self Development)
UREC LEAD: Leadership in Action (Career & Self Development)
Thursday, March 6th
HPER 311
Learn and put into practice actionable steps to improve your leadership skills no
matter the setting!
Link for registration: UREC LEAD: Leadership in Action (Career & Self Development)
Art of Advocacy: Career-Ready Workshop (Perspective Awareness)
Monday, March 10th
CORD 127
In this interactive workshop, we will explore what it means to advocate for yourself
and others in professional and academic settings. Whether it's speaking up in meetings,
asking for what you need, or supporting your peers, we’ll explore strategies to communicate
confidently and effectively. Discover how building advocacy skills can enhance your
career readiness and empower you to make an impact.
Link for registration: Art of Advocacy: Career-Ready Workshop (Perspective Awareness)
UREC LEAD: URECked - Build Your Team (Teamwork)
Thursday, April 10th
HPER 311
Join us to practice working as a team to cast your survival show!
Link for registration: UREC LEAD: URECked - Build Your Team (Teamwork)
UREC LEAD: Outlook Technology Session (Technology)
Tuesday, April 22nd
HPER 316
Join us for a session focused on using Microsoft Outlook software and discussing proper
email etiquette!
Link for registration: UREC LEAD: Outlook Technology Session (Technology)
Explore Your Future: Odyssey Planning (Career & Self Development)
Wednesday, April 23rd
CORD 127
In this interactive workshop, we will use Odyssey Planning as a tool to brainstorm
your future and explore ideas beyond what you have planned!
Link for registration: Explore Your Future: Odyssey Planning (Career & Self Development)
For more information on career fairs, visit Handshake.