Engineering CAREER Symposium, Tuesday, March 12nd, 2024, 5PM-7PM, ARKU Ballroom

Engineering Career Symposium
Tuesday, March 12th, 2024
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Arkansas Union Ballroom

Enjoy some food and network with 30 employers the evening before the STEM Career Fair at the Engineering Career Symposium! This event is a mini version of the STEM Career Fair, but with free food and short presentations! Don't forget to bring copies of your resume! Benefits of attending include:

  • More conversation time with employers
  • Attend 5 - 8 minute presentations from employers to learn about their innovations and projects
  • Get comfortable introducing yourself and asking/answering questions to relieve any nerves before the fair
  • Evening event - less likely to interfere with classes
  • Welcoming environment - smaller venue with less employers than the fair
  • Did we mention free food?

Questions? Contact

Offices of Career Connections

Arkansas Union Nola Holt Royster Suite 607

CORD 1st and 3rd Floors

BELL 2258



Monday - Friday

8am - 5pm

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Thanks to Our Employer Partners!

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