Identify the challenges that interest you most. Go to SparkPath, click SIGN UP, create a STUDENT account using the code UARK607.

View the list of organizations that are registered for the fair and take a look at their website and jobs or internships they've posted in Handshake. Do any match the type of challenge you're looking to solve?

Register to attend the All Careers Fair. Don't forget to have your resume reviewed in the drop-in Career Studio located on the 1st floor of CORD.

Drop by the fair in the Arkansas Union Ballroom anytime from 10:00am-12:00pm or 1:00pm-3:00pm
on Tuesday, February 11th to chat with employers about opportunities.
Take the challenge and choose 3 companies at the fair that match your interests!
1. One you've never heard of
2. One you're intrigued by
3. One Wild Card