Take the Challenge Graphic

step 1: take the assessment

Identify the challenges that interest you most. Go to SparkPath, click SIGN UP, create a STUDENT account using the code UARK607.

step 2: search organications

View the list of organizations that are registered for the fair and take a look at their website and jobs or internships they've posted in Handshake. Do any match the type of challenge you're looking to solve?

step 3: register for the fair

Register to attend the All Careers Fair. Don't forget to have your resume reviewed in the drop-in Career Studio located on the 1st floor of CORD.

step 4: attend the fair

Drop by the fair in the Arkansas Union Ballroom anytime from 10:00am-12:00pm or 1:00pm-3:00pm on Tuesday, February 11th to chat with employers about opportunities.

Take the challenge and choose 3 companies at the fair that match your interests!
1. One you've never heard of
2. One you're intrigued by
3. One Wild Card

sample conversation starters
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Thanks to Our Employer Partners!