Collaborate with the OCC

There are several ways you can collaborate with our office. View the Faculty & Staff Toolkit to learn more about our services and for tangible ways to provide career development opportunities for your students.

Questions? Connect with your college liaison!

Collaborate with the Student Employment team and learn more about best practices for recruiting students for your on-campus student employment positions. More information can be found on the Hire a Student Employee page.

Encourage your students to seek one-on-one career coaching by scheduling an appointment on Handshake, via email, phone, or in-person. View a list of the types of appointments.

We offer several tools to support faculty and staff in their effort to aid students in their career development. Take a look through our toolkit!

For more information on any of the tools below, please reach out to your liaison.

Already planning a career-related event? Invite Career Connections to co-sponsor! We can help market your event in college career newsletters and Handshake. We can also assist you with campus event planning best practices. Reach out to your college’s career liaison or the Career Connections Director of Career Events.

University of Arkansas Career Events & Fairs Guidelines

In a Career Everywhere culture, the entire campus community comes together to introduce and engage students in career-ready skill-building. Students will need the career search and career exploration skills they learn in college for the rest of their lives. Vitally, career events and fairs give students a safe place to make mistakes, recover, learn about the world of work, and uncover career options.

This document outlines differing guidelines for career fairs hosted by Career Connections and career fairs hosted by academic departments and student organizations.

Primary Host: Career Connections is responsible for…

Career Connections offers 6-9 career fairs paid for by companies every fall and spring semester. Career Connections has dedicated staff members who coordinate and build each career fair to maximize students’ on-campus networking and provide a consistent campus experience for recruiting professionals. Career Connections:

  1. Coordinates event logistics, i.e. room reservations, parking, event setup, marketing across campus
  2. Provides refreshments and meals for guests
  3. Manages employer registrations, accommodations, communications, payments, and questions
  4. Conducts outreach to identify potential career fair participants
  5. Hosts Day After Interviews for employers

Primary Host: Academic Departments or Student Organizations are responsible for…

Academic departments and student organizations who host their own career fairs offer students an opportunity to practice event coordination and expose students to organizations who might not otherwise recruit on campus due to career fair registration fees.

  • Event space scheduling & reservations
  • Parking for employers, or campus parking instructions
  • Communication with employers about event logistics and campus navigation
  • Employer outreach and customer service
  • Marketing- signs to promote event on campus
  • Guest refreshments (optional)

To share time & resources, Career Connections can provide to department and student organization-hosted events the following:

  • Employer contact information
  • Promotion of event on Handshake
  • Promotion of event on HogSync, tagged as practicing and building Career & Self-Development career-ready skill
  • Use and assist with Career Connections’ nametag system (Note: departments/student organizations purchase their own nametag labels.)
  • Event coordination mentorship

Community Focused Career Events

Community focused career events will primarily focus on collaborating with student groups on campus that focus on identity based shared interests- cultivating events that resonate with the specific student group and the needs they are advocating for in the realm of career-ready skills.

Primary Host: Career Connections is responsible for...

Career Connections hosts a variety of career development events to serve students with lower early career outcomes each semester. Career Connections is responsible for the following:

  • Booking rooms and reserving other vendors
  • Promotion of the event on Handshake, Hogsync, with various student organizations and departments that match the audience of the event
  • Tagging the event on Hogsync with the career-ready skill that best fits the event
  • Recruiting employers to participate in events as needed

Primary Host: Registered Student Organization is responsible for...

Identity based RSO’s interested in specific programming for their group can collaborate with the office in numerous ways to bring career development to their group and allow the students creating the event to develop career ready skills will do the following:

  • Reserve rooms and identify vendors
  • Request student activity funding and create a budget for that and OCC’s community programming budget
  • Create the event on Hogsync and tag OCC as a co-host and add career- ready skill
  • Marketing- signs to promote on campus with OCC logo added

Career Connections can provide to the event hosting RSOs the following:

  • Collaboration to brainstorm programming based off the RSO's needs and interests
  • Possible funding depending on budget and student activity funding
  • Allocation of guest speakers from various companies that fit the needs of the student group
  • Presentation materials delivered by OCC or mentorship of students in organization to confidently present career everywhere education
  • Create and advertise the event on Handshake
  • Parking for employers, or campus parking instructions
  • Communication with employers about event logistics and campus navigation

Career Advocates make up a network of individuals who are assisting students with their career development in a variety of ways! By coming together to share resources and support each other, career advocates are championing student success. Join our network of Career Advocates to ensure you stay up to date on events, resources, and much more!

Visit our Become a Career Advocate page to learn more or connect with your college's Career Connections team

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Thanks to Our Employer Partners!