Post A Job

What is Handshake?

Handshake is the UA's online electronic job management system that allows students and alumni to search for and apply to part-time, full-time jobs, internships and co-op positions. Employers use Handshake to specifically search for and potentially hire U of A students and alumni.

Handshake is here!

You can now post your job and internship opportunities. Setup your account and follow the University of Arkansas now.


Have questions on how to setup your account? Follow our step-by-step guide below or contact us at or 479-575-2805.

Handshake Posting Approval Policy

Career Connections follows NACE Principles for Ethical Professional Practice and expect that employers will abide by these 5 principles in their interactions with us, the University, our students and alumni: Practice reasonable, responsible, and transparent behavior; act without bias; ensure equitable access to opportunities; comply with laws; and protect confidentiality of student information shared during the recruitment process.

If our professional staff determine that additional information must be collected before approving an employer request and/or job postings, the employer will be placed into pending status and will receive a request for more information.

All employers requesting access to post jobs and internships at the University of Arkansas via our Handshake software must first go through a manual approval process facilitated by a Career Connections professional staff. Employers are typically approved or put into pending status (to gather additional information) within 48 hours (2 business days). Career Connections retain the discretion to approve or deny employers' access. The following are some of the criteria considered for employer approval:

  • Employers must operate in congruence with the University policy of Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action** and do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, handicap, national origin, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law. An employer or agency using the services of Career Services understands that compliance with all related federal and state statutes and regulations is required for initiation or continuance of Career Services.
  • If there is a Handshake Trust Score associated with the employer, the score must be 80% or above. (If a company is new to Handshake, they will not have a Trust Score, so further investigation will be required.)
  • Approvals and denials at other schools utilizing Handshake will also factor into the employer approval decision. (For example, a low number of approvals would require further investigation and potentially a decline.)
  • Employers must have valid websites that communicate the function of their business.
  • The company/organization must be a legitimate established business located in a commercial space - not a WeWork, shared space, or home address. Full address must be listed in the contact information.
  • If an employer contact has a Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail address, rather than a corporate address that matches the corporate domain, the employer will typically be declined unless connected with a regionally-based startup (AR, MO, OK, KS, TX, LA, TN).
  • We do not approve any startup that is not based regionally. Startups working with the University of Arkansas Career Center, Directors of Employer Relations at the University of Arkansas, Career Specialists, the Sam M. Walton College of Business or have an existing relationship with Start-up Junkie or Grit Studios are typically approved.
  • We do not approve personal 'employers' or 'Personal Ads,' seeking i.e. babysitters, nannies, home care, personal assistants, etc.
  • We do not approve employers who require any type of payment or investment - with the organization itself serving as an umbrella or parent corporation. Investments of this type may include, but are not limited to: requirement to attend unpaid orientation or training sessions; direct payment of a fixed fee; direct payment to be placed into a job or internship, requirement to pay an application fee, payment to attend orientation or training sessions; and/or purchase or rental of a starter kit, sales kit, samples, or presentation supplies.
  • We do not approve employers who would require our students to make door-to-door sales due to safety concerns even with an acceptable Trust Score.
  • We do not approve employers selling class notes/quizzes/tests/textbooks/ etc. - even with an acceptable Trust Score.

UA Marijuana Policy

The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act 1989 (DFSCA) provides, "as a condition of receiving funds or any form of financial assistance under any Federal program, an institution of Higher Education must certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol by students and employees." Further, under the DFSCA, institutions of Higher Education must employ "standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on its property or as part of its activities."

Dispensaries (i.e. retail shops), cultivators or manufacturers of THC infused edibles are examples of businesses that directly work with marijuana, a federally illicit drug. However, we realize many businesses are ancillary (e.g. a grow-light manufacturer) or work indirectly with marijuana. Businesses that are ancillary include real estate leasing businesses, consumption device and consulting businesses among others. Ancillary businesses that do not work directly with marijuana will most likely be able to recruit here, if the business meets other UA Career Services' standards of employer vetting.

In order to ensure compliance with federal law, Career Services will not promote internships or work opportunities at companies that may possess or come into contact directly or indirectly with marijuana products. Additionally, Career Services will not host internships for credit where a student may come into contact directly or indirectly with marijuana products (including work with a company's clients, attendance at marijuana conventions, ancillary businesses, etc.).


  1. Third-party recruiters will provide information about their operations and services to Career Connections for candidate review.
  2. It will be the responsibility of the candidate to contact the third-party recruiter. Candidate names and/or information concerning candidates will not be released to third-party recruiters unless candidates provide a written release, signed and dated by the candidate, for that specific agency. Federal law requires that confidential letters not be shared with candidates.
  3. The Career Connections will promote the job and pertinent information through our usual job posting media. The third-party recruiters will be listed as the contact and identified as an employment agency.
  4. If a third party-recruiter wishes to interview candidates on campus or attend career fairs, that recruiter will agree to abide by the above policies and to identify the represented employer(s) to Career Connections potential University interviewees. Third-party recruiters who elect to interview on campus should understand that the candidate information provided by Career Connections is to be used exclusively for the employer(s) so identified.

Posting Your Job or Internship

If approved, an employer may post a job or internship* that is targeted to U of A students for free. In order to post and have the position approved by the Career Connections staff, it must meet the following standards:

  1. The company/organization must first be approved by one of our Career Centers using the process listed above.
  2. The job posting accurately describes the responsibilities and requirements of all posted positions.
  3. The job posting provides essential information concerning the nature of the position and compensation, including, but not limited to: commission only, job responsibilities, salary, and applicant requirements.
  4. The job posting lists in the position description if a position is "commission only" and clearly publicizes this in the "Salary Level" fields.
  5. The posted job pays at least the State of Arkansas' minimum wage if the position is indicated as "paid" (calculated over any time scale such as hourly, weekly, semi-monthly, monthly or annually).
  6. The job posting does not require information from candidates that could act as an unlawful screening criteria, such as a photo or access to social media, unless it can be proven that it is related to the job.
  7. If the position is a paid or unpaid internship, it must meet the following U.S. Department of Labor's "Primary Beneficiary Test"

*An internship is a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skills development in a professional setting. Internships give students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career paths; and give employers the opportunity to guide and evaluate talent (NACE, 2017).

**The University of Arkansas is an equal opportunity institution committed to the principle of equal opportunity in education and employment, in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and other federal, state, and local laws. The University is committed to providing equal opportunity for all students and applicants for admission and for all employees and applicants for employment regardless of race, age, gender, sex (including pregnancy), religion, national origin, marital or parental status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law.

Consequently, we will not post any positions that include discriminatory qualifications. If you believe that your job posting meets the "bona fide occupational qualification" standard, please notify our office of this prior to posting the position.

*Internships provide students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience, develop social capital, explore career fields, and make connections in professional fields. In addition, internships serve as a significant recruiting mechanism for employers, providing organizations with the opportunity to guide and evaluate potential candidates. Interns who become employees are retained at higher rates than other hires: 75.5% are still with the organization after their first year on the job compared to 51.5% of non-intern employees (National Association of Colleges and Employers Internship & Co-op Report, 2023)


  • A learning experience with a real-world opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom. It must not be simply to advance the operations of the employer or replace the work that a regular employee would routinely perform.
  • Learned skills and knowledge that are transferable to other employment settings.
  • A defined beginning and end that is mutually agreed upon and consistent with institutional sponsor guidelines and schedules.
  • A position description with clearly defined responsibilities and required/desired qualifications.
  • Clearly defined learning objectives/goals supportive of the student’s academic program goals, career goals, and institutional requirements.
    • UofA Internship Contract – To ensure shared understanding of internship expectations, this contract is available to use (but not required).
  • Direct supervision by a professional(s) with relevant expertise and educational and/or professional experience who provides productive feedback, guidance, and the resources and equipment necessary to successfully complete the assignment.


The Department of Labor guidelines allow organizations and companies to offer an unpaid internship only if the student is the “primary beneficiary" of the internship. For more on the “primary beneficiary test” check here:


  • Paid internships promote equity and access by removing barriers that limit who can take part. Unpaid intern cohorts will include those who can afford to forgo a paycheck or are willing to endure financial hardship while providing unpaid labor.
  • Paid internships recognize that interns perform work—and all work should be paid. Unpaid internships deny basic labor rights provided to paid interns. As unpaid interns are not considered “employees” of the organization under the Fair Labor & Standards Act (FLSA), they are not legally protected against harassment and discrimination (Rothschild & Rothschild, 2020).
  • Paid internships support diversifying the workforce by creating an inclusive pool of entry-level candidates who have the experience and competencies employers seek.


  • Academic credit alone is insufficient as compensation because in most cases students must purchase academic credits; and compensation for labor cannot be purchased by the laborer.
  • Receiving academic credit for internship experience differs for each University of Arkansas degree program. Students are responsible for applying for internship academic credit within their college. Internship academic credit information

*Source: National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Guide to Internships

For more information, see


Consider the following when creating a new internship:

What major, skillset, or career path is the intern pursuing?
What types of careers will the position provide meaningful experience for?
What are the start and end dates of the internship?
What is the position description?
What are the desired qualifications for this internship?
What are three concrete learning objectives/goals that will be accomplished by the end of this internship?
How will the intern be provided feedback?
What resources, facilities, and/or equipment will the intern have access to? What professionals will they be able to network with?


Position Title: Make sure the title is concise and clearly points at the purpose and scope of the internship.

Company's Basic Information: To drive interest in the right candidates, describe your organization in 2-4 sentences, focusing on who you are, what your culture is and what it would be like to work with you.
This is your opportunity to brag about the benefits and perks of joining you (such as built-in opportunities to network with industry professionals and receive constructive feedback, flexible work-school schedule, % of interns hired into full-time roles, etc.). Your position description should directly communicate your purpose, values and what makes you a good opportunity for candidates.

Internship Duties and Responsibilities: In 1-2 sentences, give an overview and function of the internship, how it fits into the organization, internship duration, and general work conditions. Then use 4-10 bullet points to highlight the essential tasks, the tasks’ purposes, and outcomes. Consider using relevant keywords so students can find your posting when filtering by these keywords.

Necessary Qualifications and Skills: A winning job description format includes both must-have skills and nice-to-have (or preferred) skills needed to succeed in the role. Specify required or preferred education level, certifications, qualifications, personal characteristics, physical abilities and years of experience.
It will help potential applicants to gauge their skills and experience and decide whether or not they should apply. But remember to separate the required skills or qualifications from the preferred or desirable ones, so you don’t miss the right candidates because of the flexible skills they lack.


Position Description Example 1:

Storyline Strategies is now accepting Spring 20XX remote market research and communications strategy intern applications.

At the intersection of communications and marketing, stands Storyline Strategies — a nimble agency that crafts compelling storylines using the precise lens of public opinion research. We have a proven track record, with global powerhouse clients that include, but aren’t limited to, Fortune 500 companies and Fortune 50 multinationals, technology pioneers, social policy thought-leaders, influential associations and emerging change-makers.

And we’re only getting started.

Our interns will be integral contributors to our growing enterprise. Candidates should have a deep appreciation for the written word, a creative affinity, and a headstrong curiosity. They will be asked to dive into a fast-paced environment in which no two days are the same. In the morning, you may be working on storyboards for a global product launch; after lunch, helping with the research and crafting of an exercise for a session.


Interns at Storyline Strategies have the opportunity to do real work – gaining valuable work experience and professional connections along the way. This internship supports the Narrative & Strategy team, and while every day at Storyline Strategies is different, your primary responsibilities include:

  • Contributing to the preparation of qual/quant research materials ahead of studies and the analysis of data afterwards, including written and visual components.
  • You'll assist junior and senior staff with brainstorming, content creation and editing, media support, and so much more.

ABOUT YOU/QUALIFICATIONS You’re a college student, a recent graduate, or a young professional with a keen interest in learning about the world of communications consulting. You have strong communication skills (given that this is a remote internship, this is top priority), as well as an unquenchable sense of curiosity, a passion for details, and a love of language. A team player, your work ethic is matched by a willingness to tackle any challenge and contribute to any project. We are looking for candidates who are able to commit to 20-25 hours a week.

HOW TO APPLY To apply for this paid internship, please send your resume, cover letter, availability, and two recent, original writing samples (1-2 pages each). We look forward to hearing from you!

Position Description Example 2:

Position Summary:

The Museum Interpretation Intern assists the Interpretation Specialists, who work in collaboration with the curatorial and educational teams, in formulating narrative and interpretive strategies. This internship provides a unique opportunity to learn about and contribute to the research, planning, and implementation of interpretive tools for the Museums exhibitions and art installations. These include items such as brochures, activity guides, rack cards, labels, audio tours, and other digital tools that encourage guest engagement and learning (in the galleries, on the grounds, and in other museum-related spaces).

The goal is to create an impactful and rewarding experience for our museum guests. This internship offers hands on training in the museum profession and an overview of museum exhibition operations from the early planning stages through implementation.

The ideal candidate is passionate about artistic expression, the arts in general, and has interest and skills in critical thinking, creative writing, and on-line and library research. Applicants must be ready to think creatively in unfamiliar situations and be prepared for hands on experience. A diplomatic and flexible disposition, with the ability to collaborate amongst a diverse group of people, is highly desired.


  • Assist the Interpretation team in creating interpretive elements for exciting and engaging exhibitions. Artist and art object research (online and in library), summarizing findings
  • Writing and editing copy for various projects, including blogposts
  • Engage in creative brainstorming Assist in conducting visitor evaluation and data collection
  • Attend All Staff and Exhibition department meetings
  • Attend project meetings to collaborate with curators, interpretive staff, educators, preparators and others
  • Other duties as assigned


  • Applications due November 30, 20XX
  • Intern selected by December 17, 20XX
  • Anticipated Start Date: January 24, 20XX

Required Documents:

Cover letter, Resume


January 24-May 6; Hours up to 20 hrs./wk.; Weekly schedule to be arranged

Minimum Qualifications:

  • 3rd or 4th year Interdisciplinary Humanities student (college level) preferred; can include (but is not limited to) majors/minors such as American Studies, African American Studies, Indigenous Studies, Latin American and Latino Studies, Art History, Studio Art, Cultural Anthropology, Communication, English, History, Journalism/Strategic Media, and Sociology.
  • Dependable and punctual
  • Minimum of 10 to a maximum of 20 hours per week; a mutually agreeable schedule will be determined in conversation with the Head of Interpretation.
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite is required, and familiarity with library and Web-based search tools is strongly preferred.
  • A background check is required
  • Must maintain confidentiality of all non-public Museum information
  • Possible course credit can be negotiated with University departmental supervisor

Physical Demands and Work Environment:

The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an intern to successfully perform the essential functions of this position. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

Physical demands: In the work environment described herein, position requires work at a desk and utilizing a computer for prolonged periods of time and excellent eye/hand coordination. Visual acuity to review detailed drawings and written materials is required for this job.

Work environment: Work will be performed in an office environment, and in museum spaces. The noise level in the Museum work environment is usually low to moderate. Work may take place in galleries undergoing construction and painting.

If the intern’s personal equipment is used, the Museum accepts no liability for any damage caused to said equipment while being used for Museum purposes, nor loss or corruption of electronic files on device.

Extending Offers

We ask that employers convey final hiring decisions to candidates within a reasonable time frame and communicate that time frame to candidates during the interview process.

As a general rule, employers should give students a minimum of two weeks from the date the offer is made to make their decision.

We ask that employers making full-time offers to interns at the conclusion of their internship to give students until at least November 15th so that these students are able to participate in on-campus recruiting during the fall semester. This will allow students to make informed career decisions and will support their acceptance of offers and commitment to employers.

Employers should in no way try to persuade students to renege on employment offers from other companies under any circumstances. This practice would be in direct breach of our recruiter code of conduct and ethics and may result in restrictions to the employer's access to our career services and students, as well as potential consequences to the student.

Exploding Offers

Exploding offers (offers that do not afford a candidate the appropriate time to either accept or decline) are unacceptable. For example, an offer with a 48-hour window would be an exploding offer. Employers are to refrain from exerting any undue pressure on candidates to accept a job offer. Applying pressure to a student to accept a job offer at the conclusion of a summer internship prior to commencement of the fall recruiting season would also be considered an example of an exploding offer.

Rescinded Offers

If conditions change and require your company to rescind an offer made to a student, we ask that you call the University Offices of Career Connections (OCC) or Walton College Career Center (WCS) prior to taking any action. If, after discussions with either Career Center, the offer is rescinded, we ask that you pursue a course of action for the affected candidate that is fair and equitable potentially including, but not limited to, financial assistance and outplacement services.


If your organization has a required contract that must be signed in order to be employed with your organization, the student must be allowed to take the contract with them in order to review and seek any needed counsel or advice before signing. The student must also be afforded a reasonable amount of time (general rule is a minimum of two weeks) to consider before making a decision. The Career Connections also reserves the right to request to review any contracts being used in campus recruiting.

Breaches of Conduct by Employers

Consistent unfair treatment of students, as defined above, has the potential to result in any/all of the following:

  • Restricting access to career services and students
  • Placing the name of the employer in our internal database to denote unfair practices

Student Reneges

We encourage students to immediately release offers they do not plan to accept. Additionally, any student reneging on an accepted offer is considered in serious breach of our recruiting policies and a poor reflection on University of Arkansas. If this situation occurs, contact the OCC or WCS prior to taking any action. The student will receive immediate attention. Actions that may be taken include revoking the student's access to career services.

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Thanks to Our Employer Partners!